Beard/Moustache Transplant

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TDF ( Two Days Fue ) Hair Transplantation

TDF ( Two Days Fue ) method is the current technology used in hair transplantation. In this method, men with more hair loss are provided two transplantation sessions two days in a row. As with other techniques, there is no need to wait 6-8 months between the procedures. In cases where the frontal and posterior regions of the hair are completely bald, what is called “Demirel head”, this method is applied successfully. It is a very effective method for people who do not have the opportunity to get a hair transplant because of their busy working life and who prefer to return to their working life in a short time after hair transplantation.

How is hair transplantation performed with TDF method?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which the donor area is divided into two parts: the right and the left. The hair is transplanted to the first half of the region by taking the hair strands in the right region. For the remaining bald area, channels are opened where the hair will be placed . In this way, half of the first day procedures are completed. On the second day, hair follicles are taken from the left side of the donor area. They are placed on channels opened a day ago.

In hair transplantation, approximately 4,200-4,300 bulbs are added in one day. When considering that a bulb contains an average of 2.7 hairs, 10,000-11,000 hairs are planted daily. It is not possible to reach the desired density with a daily transplant in cases where the person’s frontal, posterior and middle hair area is totally open bald. Patients with such hair rarety regains their hair completely at the end of a two-year process . The first day with the TDF method 2.500-3.000 bulb is transferred to the region. On the second day, the bulbs are collected from the left donor site and added to the top region. Thus, at the end of two days, 6,000-6,500 bulb transfer is possible. In this way, the patient’s , middle and back hair region is transplanted entirely within a period of two days. The fact that hair transplantation takes place in two days without having to wait for two years provides a great comfort and happiness for the patient.

Can TDF be applied to every hair type?

TDF is a hair transplantation method applied on hair types that are completely bald on front, rear and middle region successfully .

How is the healing process with TDF?

There is no difference than the hair transplantations requiring one session. It involves the same healing. ACell + PRP treatment is applied to the area to be performed during the operation. This technique shortens the healing process. It does not leave scars and recovers rapidly. The new hair bulbs grow stronger.

How long does the treatment last?

In frontal region transplants, 65-70 percent of the hair transplanted grows 6-8 months. The last point of transplantation in the frontal region is one year later. The growth here is a little slower because more nutrition is provided with capillaries in the top area. In this area, the treatment is complete success at the end of 8 to 10 months.


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