Eyebrow Hair Transplant

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Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow restoration is a premier cosmetic procedure to replace eyebrows or touch up small areas of hair loss that results from over-plucking, scars, or genetic causes.

Eyebrow restoration is an artistic procedure in which brow treatment is individually designed based on your facial type, your features, and your overall goals.

Good Candidates for Eyebrow Transplant

Individuals with thinning eyebrows are considered to be good candidates for an eyebrow transplant procedure in Turkey. Individuals with the following conditions also qualify for eyebrows transplantation:

  • Burns
  • Scars
  • Diseases
  • Congenital inability
  • Self-inflicted (obsessive) plucking
  • Individuals in generally healthy condition
  • Individuals without bleeding or clotting problems

Eyebrow Transplant Procedure

An eyebrow transplant procedure is carried out similarly to hair restoration treatment in Turkey. Restoration of the eyebrow involves the individual placement of single hair in a natural grown pattern.

It is a simple, straightforward procedure performed on an outpatient basis and typically takes approximately 3 – 6 hours depending on how many grafts are required.

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